Our solutions

COMMUNICATION - iligo Research Agency - Agence d’études

Understand the usage and attitudes of consumers

INNOVATION iligo Research Agency - Agence d’études

Measure the marketing levers

INNOVATION RESEARCH - iligo Research Agency - Agence d’études

Measure the potential of innovative products and services

Proprietary tools and partnerships

Iligo’s proprietary panels

Consumer communities which can be questioned at any time

Categorized by their socio-demographic characteristics, their media consumption and their frequentation of the places of consumption, these consumers can be reached and questioned at any time.

This innovative solution offers highly detailed pre-information and can be activated at any time according to different media/marketing issues.


A query solution on mobile

Mobiligo is a proprietary mobile application to collect opinions of individuals in real-time situation, making the moment of survey closer to consumer experience. At the place of purchase where media content is consumed, Mobiligo let the study get into the moment of consumer experience that other online solutions have never accessed.


Partnerships to innovate techniques of survey

Innovation is also to pool resources to create new and more efficient techniques and methodologies. Today, this is possible for us thanks to our different partnerships with start-ups and other companies from the neuroscience and other sector.


An innovative platform to present our results of study

Because conducting marketing research involves multiple entities and different decision makers in the organization, the results must be viewed from different angles, with different approaches, and in a secure manner. Our platform “iligoboard” responds to these new needs by restoring and storing results of studies in a redesigned and interactive way.