Ikea Retail Therapy renamed a large number of IKEA Products after Google searches. So that every search for common relationship problem led to a renamed IKEA product , that solved problem.
By Reclame Aqui
Reclame Aqui decided to expand its business to citizen-rights, exposing the nation’s new public enemy : corrupt politicians. They integrated their service into web browsers, search engines and social network. Corrupt politicians’ names are highlighted on the page and their corruption history would be listed by a single click.
By Sulamérica
Sulamerica integrated City Watch, an application that cross-matches a huge amount of data generated by users from both companies then mapped out thousands of locations with high numbers of incidents, into smartphone GPS. Thus, Waze users get geo-targeted alert based on these informations before they get into trouble.
By Aami
AAMI, the Australia’s leading insurer, created Smartplates, an app which tracks and coach in a real time the learners. Every detail of every drive is recorded and analyzed. Driving Data is analyzed to tailor individual driving lessons based on learning gaps to reduce the risk of fatal accidents caused by lack of experience.
By Lego
LEGO reinvented the GPS experience for kids to create an immersive experience with the brand so that the children are not bored any more during the drive to LegoLand.
By Canal +
AiMEN is an intelligence artificial just like Pius XIII, the main character of the series » the Young Pope “ by Canal+.
With AiMEN, Pius XIII can express himself in real time on the social networks and answer the users’ questions in a contextual way by quoting verses of the Bible.
By Eitb - Euskal Irrati Telebista
Yournalist is an application developed by the Spanish television channel EITB. It is the first application which allows audience to verify news reliability in real time wtih information with various editorial-angles. The application works as Shazam. It sends in real-time information to Watson, the artificial intelligence of IBM, in order to identify The various sources related to the same subject.
By Baidu
Alzheimer Disease China and Baidu created AI glasses for Alzheimer’s patients to help them recognize family members, pets and the people that matter most in their lives.