improve people’s life

Societal approach of the brand in the innovative solution design. Willingness to take care of all citizens regardless of their daily lives

The Baltic Sea Card

By Bank of Åland

The Bank of Åland launched the Baltic Sea credit card that, thanks to the Åland Index, estimates customers’ CO2 emissions and therefore encourages them either to reduce those emissions or to compensate for their environmental footprint.

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Sea Hero Quest

By Deutsche Telekom

Dementia is a growing health threat. To help scientists working towards finding a cure, Deatsche Telekom created this multi-platform game designed specifically to help advance the understanding of spatial navigation and therefore understand one of the first symptoms of dementia.

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By Wunderman Buenos Aires

The foundation Huésped has decided to set up an awareness campaign on the importance of HIV prevention tests in Argentina. They modified a machine normally used for patients to check-in. So instead of providing the usual appointment number, the machine handled an HIV statistic relevant to each person.

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Mycarpulse Super ID


China has the single highest traffic deaths in the world. However, as most Chinese drivers are first-generation drivers in their family, they have very low awareness about the importance of car maintenance. Using AI and database, SAIC-GM developed “MyCarPuise” SUPER ID, in order to report car condition to each driver in a hyper-personalized way and to encourage them to get car maintenance service.

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Down Syndrome Answers

By Canadian Down Syndrome Society

When prospective parents learn their unborn child has Down syndrome, they often have only ten days to decide whether to proceed with the pregnancy or not. With such little time they inevitably turn to the internet for answers. Rather than leaving them to the wilds of Wikipedia and WebMD, Canadian Down Syndrome Society want people with Down syndrome to answer those questions themselves.

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Anonymous Friend

By Alcohol Anonymous

More and more Brazilian teenagers are getting close to alcohol, but don’t know how to talk to people about their alcoholic problem. Alcoholics Anonymous created a Facebook chatbot based on a data base of members’ testimodials, in order to talk with teenagers in a personalized way without any jugement, and to encourage them to ask for sober help.

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Hope Never Dies

By Tencent QQ

Children abduction cases occur in China every day and few abducted children can be fund in a short time. Tencent uses a giant database and deep-learning system to help people to recognize their missing children by old photo taken years ago.

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Outthink Melanoma 


Melanoma is the deadliest skin cancer but, ironically, also the easiest to treat with survival rate which can top 98%. The key of a successful treatment is spotting melanoma early. IBM Australia wanted to use Watson Smart Mirror to help skin cancer experts to detect melanoma sooner.

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Ant Forest

By Alibaba/Alipay

Alibaba holds the Chinese most used mobile payment Application Alipay and wanted to transform this giant user base into real carbon emission reduction. Alibaba created Ant Forest, an interface tracks purchases made through Alipay to award eco-friendly purchase by “green energy points” in the Ant Forest Program. After the green energy supplies reached 17.9KG, the virtual tree will turn into a real Haloxylon tree in the desert of Alashan desert of Inner Mongolia.

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